Tuesday, October 28, 2014

#CaptureYourGrief - Day 25: Mother Earth

On day 25, which was Saturday, Carly Marie asked that we plant something in memory of our children who have passed.  Plant something to honor Preston, and help Mother Earth as well.  As Carly Marie states in her instructions for day 25, it also gives us a spot to visit them - by the tree we planted, or the flowers, shrubs or garden.  I've already prepared Preston's Garden for Winter.  It's now dry, with its plants cut down.

All Spring and Summer, I had been meaning to "fix" our garden in the front yard.  I've worked on it seldom as the previous owners, or original owners of the house had planted tulips and another perennials.  But, despite the landscape fabric they installed to prevent weeds, grass and weeds had started to overtake our flowerbed.

So this past weekend, I cleaned it up.  I removed the landscape fabric which helped uproot the grass and the weeds that were growing amid the flowers.  I added new soil - and I planted seeds.  I know it's ridiculous because nothing is going to grow with Winter weather around the corner.  We've actually had frost since I've planted them.  But, I wanted to participate in this planting event.  I planted seeds I bought at the same time I bought seeds for Preston's Garden to grow vegetables and herbs.  I bought Forget-Me-Not seeds, Sweet William seeds and Sweet Pea seeds.  All seeds that reminded me of my son - Forget-Me-Not... how could I?  Sweet William - William was his middle name... Sweet Pea - one of my nicknames for him.

It's a possibility that I get a few sprouts.  It's another that nothing at all happens.  But I promise to plant seeds for these exact flowers again in the Spring.  As a sign of hope.  As a gesture of remembrance.  As a new spot for me to feel close to Preston, a special space to think about him.  Reminders of my Sweet Pea, my Preston William, who I will never forget.  I like this idea a lot.  Hopefully they will grow beautifully in the Spring, blossom away and bring smile to wandering neighbors, or even little hopping bunnies.

Have you ever planted anything to honor a loved one?  How did you feel? Do you visit the site of this plant, tree or flower often?


  1. We planted a Weeping Norweigen tree in our front yard to honor Barry's dad when he passed Christmas Day 2011. Barry's dad was Norweigen. Barry's dad and mom had one in their yard when they first moved to Fort Collins (right after we got married). It isn't a real pretty tree, some sort of evergreen breed, but it is very unique the way it grows. The top part usually bends down and resembles a head being bowed as it weeps. It is a nice reminder of Dad and his heritage.

    1. I really like that. Thanks for sharing. I didn't know Barry was Norwegien. Brett's family (Dad's side) also is of Norweigien descent. :)
