Saturday, September 19, 2015

#SpreadHappinessForPreston - Year 2

Happiness is like jam.  You can't spread even a little without getting some on yourself. - Anonymous

2 months from today, my son Preston should have been turning two.  After he passed away from SIDS last year, I wanted to find a way to honor his life, and share all the happiness he showed me in his 16 weeks.  This is how I came up with #SpreadHappinessForPreston.  He radiated happiness, it seemed natural that sharing this contagious feeling would be the best way to pay tribute to this little guy who changed my life.

It's now been over a year and a half since I lost him, and he continues to teach me life lessons, even though the roles should be reversed.  He's taught me how to smile every day, because he wouldn't want me to always be sad.  He taught me how to appreciate the small things by opening my eyes.  Perspective has a lot to do with it.  He slyly has found a way to slowly help me regain my faith by sending signs in the shape of rainbows and bunnies.  And also, by reassuring me that his little sister, who we should meet in about 3 months, is doing well.  Anytime I get too nervous because I haven't felt a kick in a while, I think of him and little kicks are felt to bring me much needed comfort.  My daughter has quite the guardian angel.

November 19th, Preston's birthday, will be a day I hope brings happiness to as many people as possible.  I plan to promote it every year.  A day where everyone can spread a little happiness in the world.  A pay it forward day if you will.  A day where smiles inundate the world, and happiness is just felt everywhere you go.

The first SpreadHappinessForPreston day, 11/19/2014, was rather successful.  Random acts of kindness were made all over the world to honor my little boy.
  • Several of my wonderful coworkers bought multi-colored balloons to be released for Preston's birthday (he loved colors).
  • A star was named for Preston
  • Books were donated to a school in Preston's name
  • Donations to charities were made (SIDS foundation of America, Children's Hospital, and several others)
  • Larger than normal gratuities were given away
  • A memorial stone was given to us with Preston's name and birthdate
  • Teddy bears were given to underprivileged children
  • Doors were open for strangers
  • Treats were brought in for colleagues
  • Trees were planted to honor the children another family had lost
  • Flowers were given away, just because
  • My husband brought pizza over to the firehouse, for the men who tried to save our son
  • We received a rainbow catcher, and too many other gifts.  

Those are just some of the acts of kindness that were shared with me.  Remember that money isn't necessary to spread happiness. 
  • Hugs
  • Smiles
  • Saying things like "I love you" and "I appreciate you" to loved ones
  • Share your favorite funny video or picture
  • Cook your child's, or spouse's favorite meal
  • Ask someone "How are you - really?" and listen
  • Share happy memories or stories
  • Think of someone you haven't thought of in a long time, and send them a text - letting them know you thought of them, and it made  you smile
  • Volunteer to help someone or an organization
  • Pack a lunch and give it to someone in need
  • Give blood
  • Let people go in front of you while in line
  • Donate unused clothes, toys

Please keep in mind that if you do make a donation, it does not have to be in Preston's name.  Make the donation in the name of someone that means a lot to you, or to someone close to you.  Make the donation to a charity that means a lot to you.  While Preston is the driving force behind this event, the point is to spread happiness around the world - the more people it touches, the more proud of my son I am.  He is creating this happiness.  Without him, this special day would not exist.

Much like the quote I shared at the top of this message, the added bonus of spreading happiness is that it has the contagious effect of putting a smile on your own face.  Much like Preston's smile was contagious, and continues to be thanks to the fabulous invention of photography.

The world can be such a dark place.  I hope that Preston's birthday, this year, and for all the years to come, makes it a brighter place, if only for one day a year.  One person at a time, one act of kindness after  the another.

I invite you to share your random acts of kindness on social media using #SpreadHappinessForPreston.  You can also share through email ( or on my blog's Facebook page:

I hope that you plan to join me and that #SpreadHappinessForPreston makes you smile.  I have cards that can be handed out when you do pay it forward.  If you are interested, I'd be more than happy to send you one (or more - spreading happiness does not have to end with one person, one act).  Simply email me for more details.

If it's not too much to ask, please share this with your friends and family.  The more people spreading happiness, the happier the day will be.

You have my sincerest gratitude for considering participating and sharing this event.  It's my hope that not only you will make someone smile, but that in the end, it also makes you smile.

Have a blessed day,


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