So on day 26 of my 30 days of gratitudes challenge, I am grateful for serendipity. Thankful for flukes, and coincidences that happen to us throughout the course of our days. The happy accidents of fate.
Serendipity is around us and sometimes we are just too involved in our every day lives to notice. Funny that I had a thought today at work. Slow down. Slow down to avoid the mistakes. Slow down to take notice. This is something I think we all could do a little more of every day. Brett and I went to Lowes a week ago to buy something to cover the garden with this snow was in the forecast. As we exited the garden center, a noise caught my attention, so I turned around to see a great horned owl. How majestic! I had never seen one. The pictures aren't great because it was hard to get close to the owl, but it was still such a strange thing to see at the hardware store! Yet, it felt like such a blessing to see something so magnificent. It's wing span was so huge. I'm thankful for the chance sighting!
I promise myself to slow down more often for the off chance of stumbling into something amazing. Something that makes me feel blessed to be alive. Something that makes me feel awe at our amazing world. Our world is filled with wonders and we don't even notice. Don't let the amazing things pass you by, you just never know, when they will be gone forever. Preston was one of those wonders and I am fortuitous to be able to call myself his mama. The wonderment of seeing him again one day is limited to the kingdom of Heaven. In the meantime, I will rejoice in the serendipity around me... they might all just be signs from my son saying "look mama, isn't the world beautiful?"
I would have bought those boots too! And that last sentence almost made me cry. Good God, girl, this really tugs at the heart strings!