Tuesday, September 2, 2014


On day 11 of my 30 days of gratitude challenge, I am thankful for the other blogs I stumbled upon during my healing journey.  The first one I read was "My Sweet Boy Josh" which painstakingly resembled my story, down to where it happened (daycare), the time of day it happened (afternoon) and many other details that I still struggle sharing.  If you read the first post of this blog, my story is very similar.  I don't feel strong enough to read it again right now.  Reading this blog, really helped me feel like I wasn't alone.  I wasn't the only mom to lose her son to SIDS, at daycare.  I wasn't alone feeling this unimaginable hollowness.  Seeing how this mom was coping, and surviving gave me hope, that I would one day be there too.

Another blog, which is a private blog, really gave me the push I needed to start my own.  This mom is so candid about the loss of her boys, Conner and Benjamin.  Her positive attitude, and how she's found a way to keep her twins incorporated in her life gave me motivations, ideas and courage to do the same.  After reading her blog for 2 weeks, I finally opted to start my own and I haven't looked back since.  It's not always easy to be so open about such raw, personal emotions.  Writing has always been a great outlet for me though, and I'm so thankful for this gift that was given to me.  I'm so thankful for the inspiration for other blogs.  Thank you Krystal.  You've really been a source of motivation.  Our journeys aren't the same, but I connect with each of your blog entries and every time, it helps make me feel less alone in this journey, it helps me see the hope that still exists.

Two other blogs I really love are "The Lewis Note", a blog written by a mom who's suffered through several miscarriages, fostering children and adoption.  Rachel's blogs are so well written, inspiring, touching.  I look forward to each new entry.  And again, our losses are different, but the pain is the same.  The void left by the children we have lost is similar.  The other is "HereComesTheSun" where Nora writes letters to Josie, the baby girl she lost.  Again, it is so eloquently written.  So honest, so touching, so relatable.  And again, this mom shows so much strength, so much willingness to survive, yet honest, true pain.

These blogs, have motivated me, has inspired me, have helped me.  These blogs have given me reason to share my feelings, write them down.  To help others.  To help myself.  To aid others, not going through such a terrible loss, get a glimpse of the pain we feel.  Help them understand how to help me, or help others going through similar grief.  While there is nothing like grieving for your child, grief is still grief.  Pain is still pain, and losing a parent, a sibling, can be just as painful for someone who hasn't lost a child.  It can be as crippling, as depressing, as difficult to survive.  Thank you to the ladies who blog about loss, who aren't afraid what others think, who aren't afraid to share their every thought.  You've touched my life, and helped me heal, a little more every day.

The colors of this arrangement made me think of Preston on my way home.  It was right outside my window as we stopped unexpectedly on the train.

This little friend was waiting for me to come home.


  1. Thank you for sharing those links to the other blogs. I love connecting with other baby loss moms through their writing. YOU are a source of inspiration as well! I have been loving your posts lately and they have reminded me to be grateful of what I do have. We lost the most precious thing we could ever lose, but we have so much so be grateful for. When we see our sons again, we'll be able to tell them that we didn't take life for granted and we lived life even fuller because of them.

    1. Thank you Krystal! It's been really helpful for me to connect with other angel moms as well.
