So dreams... I'm not one of the lucky ones that can remember dreams... at least I seldom do. When I do, half the time it's not a good dream. I really wish I could remember them. I've asked to be visited by loved ones who have passed including my little boy in my dreams. I've heard that it's easier for them to visit us on the dream "plane" than in our physical world. I've had one dream and it was right after he passed. I was asking for him to visit so I would know he was ok. I didn't get my wish, but I did have a dream that I remember - unless it's my mind playing tricks on me and I just think I dreamt it.
Hubby's grandma passed away in early 2013. She was in my dream and told me that a nice elderly woman was taking care of Preston. She said there was also a man with her and that'd they'd been in heaven awhile. I instantly thought of my "grand-mere" Annette and her husband Gilbert. My grand-mere passed away when I was 8, so that seemed to fit the bill.
The interesting thing about this is my aunt wrote me a letter soon after Preston passed away, or maybe my mom told me the story and I then read it in a letter. My aunt had a dream about her mother (my grand-mere). She hadn't had a dream about her mom since she passed away some 20+ years ago. Her mom told her that she was taking care of Preston. Perhaps that's what caused me to have my dream about hubby's grandma telling me my grand-mere was taking care of Preston? Who knows. Dreams are so interesting. I wish I remembered them more to really know...
A friend reached out to me today about a dream she had. She dreamt that she was at the movies with a bunch of people from our high school. At some point in the dream, she was in this room with a really happy baby. He was smiling away and she knew it was Preston. My friend never met Preston. It was only for a moment, but he was there. Again, why she had this dream, we'll probably never know, but I like to believe that it's because she's been reaching out and sending me a lot of words of encouragement and checking in with me often. Perhaps Preston thought, hey, can you check in with my mama today? I'd like to think that. So, thank you Liz. Thank you for your support. Thank you for checking up on me today and sharing your dream. Thank you for continuing to show your support and thank you for being you. The stories you often share on Facebook are uplifting which as we discussed today can be a place filled with negativity. I appreciate having such a source of inspiration and positivity in my life, however far away you are. :)
And thank you to everyone who continually sends me messages about seeing bunnies and rainbows and how it makes you think about Preston and me and hubby. It really means a lot that we are in your thoughts continually. Your positive energy certainly has an effect on my life and on how I'm dealing with this tragedy.
Do you remember your dreams? What's your favorite dream? I do remember one that I had when I was little. I think I was flying for a little while, in a sea of bright colored stars. And then there was a never ending domino lined game where they fall on each other and make designs. It was a really cool dream. :)
I picked the picture below from when we went to Disney in 2012. I'd never been, but I've heard, that it's the place where dreams come true :)

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