Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Positively February: Day 4

"A few nice words can help a person a lot more thank you think"

Again, I do not know the author of these words.  It something I stumbled upon and I thought it was so simple, yet so true.

As I'm sure you've heard, words can sting you like a bee.  They can be mean and hurtful.  But, the silver lining is that they can be so nice to hear when the intention behind them is of that of kindness.

I can't describe the overwhelming feeling that came over me the several times I received random messages from strangers who had seen a picture of my son on baby loss forums, and felt compelled to tell me how cute he was.  Or how they had just seen a rainbow and it made them think of my son.  My son who they never met.  I can't begin to tell you how much it meant to me.  How much it made me smile.

It gave me joy.  It made me smile.  It made me feel like the mom of a really special little guy.  It made me feel like my son was making a difference, and really, nothing makes me more proud.

Recently, I've had several people tell me I look great.  This feels really nice since it's been very difficult to lose weight.  It's something I've been struggling with for years because of medications like Prednisone, a pregnancy, and the lack of interest because of the loss of my son.  The fact that people take time out of their day to pay me a compliment, gives me a lot of motivation to keep doing what I'm doing.  The first 5 pounds came off easy.  The next 10 have been arduous and it's a lot of work to keep them off.  I still struggle with it, and I miss eating a lot of foods.  I still have an occasional burger, and of course pizza on the 19th, but I miss bread.  I hardly have any now.

Kind words can be uplifting.  We all have struggles, or bad days.  So, I really try to follow the mantra that is : "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all".  It's not worth to add to someone's bad day.  And what's better, saying something nice, might go a really, really long way, and you probably don't even realize it.

What the last nice thing you said to someone, just because?

1 comment:

  1. YES!!! Kind words go such a long way - it can really change how people perceive their day.
