Thursday, February 19, 2015

Positively February: Day 19

"No matter how far you've gone down the wrong road, you can always turn around."

I hopped on the wrong train on my way home.  I didn't realize, until I was just about at the end of the line, having gone East instead of South.  Oops!  Thankfully, the trains run pretty often around rush hour and I was home just 30 minutes later.  This train and mine look alike and have the same route, until one keeps going South, while the other forks East.  I was listening to Pandora, and so enthralled in my game of Solitaire that I didn't notice until I looked up to get an idea of how close we were getting, that I was not where I should be.

This prompted me to find a different quote than what I'd planned out at lunch time.  We all, at some point, take the wrong turn.  I've done it many times.  Sometimes it takes you some place wonderful that you wouldn't have stumbled upon otherwise.  Sometimes, you are forced down a road you don't want to go down.  And while you can't erase going down that road, you can most certainly turn back.

Everyone experiences life differently, sees it in their own unique way.  For the first several months of grieving, I needed something to do.  I worked, and worked and worked.  I don't need that constant distraction anymore, I've gone down a new path of healing.  It took me a while to get there.  It will take others less time, or more time.  There's no set pace.  It's not a race to the finish.  And I'm not saying that burying myself into work was the "wrong" way to grieve either.  I just found a new path to go down.

Take the road less traveled when possible.  It might be the wrong path.  It might turn into the right path.  Keep in mind though, if it is the wrong path, or it feels wrong, it's never a problem to turn right back around.  I invite you to attempt allowing positivity into your life even if it is a difficult time.  If it doesn't feel right, you will have tried.  And you can try again later.  If it doesn't feel right for now, it's not the wrong answer to turn around.

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