Monday, August 4, 2014

Telling your story

Tonight was our group session and the topic of conversation was telling your story.  I listened to several stories, each as heartbreaking as the next, as heartbreaking as mine.  I'm not at a point where I can share my story though.  I remember every painful detail, but it's too difficult to put into words, whether it be out loud or on paper.  I hope to be one day, but today is not that day.  Brett was able to talk about some of it, but it was too painful for him too.  I admire all the other parents, including my husband, who were able to share through the pain.

Some of the toughest stories involved how families were treated like criminals, only adding another dimension to the most traumatic experience a person can ever live through.  Some were mistreated once in the hospital too.  It's tough to hear that professionals can be so closed to sympathy when you'd imagine that they'd be the best placed to try to help in these types of situations.

One day, I hope to be able to share my story.  It's not a story that ends with happily ever after, but we did have our happy moments.  I hold on to those and it helps me through each day.  16 weeks is a very short time.  But, they will forever be the most significant 16 weeks of my life.

Do you have a story to share? Perhaps a story that you'd like to tell the world, but don't have the courage to?  Or perhaps it's just too hard to share because it's just plain painful?  I'd love to be able to put your story out there if you'd like a forum on which to share it on.  Or if you need help putting it into words.  Contact me via email if this interests you:

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