Now that I have your intrigued, I'll keep you in suspense for just a little while longer. Today was a good day. It started with a flickering star, which seemed to be right in the middle of Orion's Belt, but I'm not a big astronomy buff so I could be totally off base. It seemed to flicker all kinds of colors - like a rainbow and of course it made me think of Preston. I researched it while I was on the train, hoping to find meaning to this sudden flickering. I think I try to find meaning in too many things, but perhaps that is the curse that comes with losing your son. You try to find hope where you can.
Turns out stars do really twinkle, as we sing to our children. They twinkle because of the speed at which light travels and how it reacts with the atmosphere, etc. Like I said, not my forte, give me numbers! Anywho, as I searched I came across "Sirius", the dog-star right below Orion's belt. Perhaps it really was just a little sign from Preston. Is he chasing the "doggies" in the stars perhaps? Or am I simply holding on to what I read in March after he passed away: "Perhaps they are not stars in the sky but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy."
It made me smile this morning. The sunrise was spectacular, making my day star off wonderfully. A bright candy pink sky. Then orange. By the time I got off the train, it looked like a "holy" sky. The clouds had a nice yellow tint to them, which reminded me of the color of the spells my priest Tsunaze casts in World of Warcraft. Her specialization is holy, which is why I call it a holy sky. I know, I'm a nerd :P
The holy sky reminded me of how wonderful my friends and family are. Countless of you reached out and told me that Preston was in Heaven. Without a doubt. I truly appreciate it that. I know it myself most of the time, but the doubts tend to creep in from time to time, as does guilt and other feelings I'd rather be without. So, thank you for reaching out. For letting me believe what you believe. For making me feel better, and not so crazy.
Okay, you've been in suspense long enough - here we go. Perhaps you will feel chills. But hopefully, most of all, this makes you smile. I got to work and my boss who works crazy amounts of hours asked me a bizarre question about my calculator. Apparently, out of nowhere yesterday it started going off, as if someone was playing with it... someone like Preston. At least, that's exactly what she thought when she went to my cubicle to figure out what was making noise. Apparently it did that for a couple hours. My calculator has done this before.. I accidentally spilled soda on it a couple years ago but it only does it when I turn it on, and I tend to always leave it on because it's annoying to find the right spot of the "on" button to be so that it doesn't do this. My calculator has been on for months, and it hasn't done that. I tend to believe it was Preston, keeping my boss company. Jocelyn did tell me it's like Preston knew she enjoys the company as to not be alone in the office. It sounds like my son, is one who likes to play tricks.
This is where it gets really interesting. My friend Sherri, who lives in the Montreal area, sent me a message on Facebook this morning. I read it during my lunch break and had not shared the story above with anyone. Sherri was working from home today, and she was going to her kitchen to make lunch when her daughter's toy started talking to her. Ryan the Rhino is his name. He sings songs and says he likes to go to the zoo. When the toy came on, she visualized Preston in her head, and it became an image of Preston playing with the toy. The toy kept talking and talking, even though it hadn't been touched - and it usually only makes noise when you push on its head or move it. It was alone on the couch. Sherri just felt like Preston was playing with her daughter's toy. Her impression was that my sweet P wanted her to tell me that he's okay, and that he likes this type of toy. I don't doubt it for a second after seeing an image of the toy. The whole of it is so colorful, even if he was just playing with the rhino. I would have taken Preston to the zoo where he could go see the big cats and the other animals, just like rhinos. :)
My son appears to have a sense of humor. Most likely gets that from his dad. At the same time, he's a total sweetie for doing such things. Even if it wasn't me who experienced seeing the calculator go off on it's own, or the rhino toy talking and talking without being touched, he picked people he knew would share this with me. He picked people he knew would believe it was him. He did it at a time where I'm feeling very vulnerable. Heaven must be magic for him to travel from Denver to Montreal so quickly.
It was a good day. Friday. Friday before a long weekend. A day where my son made his presence be felt. Not only by me, but by others. Thank you to all who've been encouraging me lately. Thank you to all who believe. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Keep up those tricks sweet P. If it makes people smile, it's totally worth it.
Love this :) Our boys have done similar things with Conner's wind up giraffe and it gives me the chills - as does this! Preston is letting you know he is around. You made a comment about how you might be finding meaning in too many things, but I don't think that is true. I think to many people miss signs from heaven because their hearts are not open to them. We have to listen and watch closely - its not like our babies are going to send us a hand written letter from heaven (although, that would be nice). I think the more you keep your heart open to these signs, the more Preston will send!