Sunday, January 4, 2015

Riding the waves of change

It is hard to lead a life where change doesn't exist - warranted or not.  We can live our lives with consistency and routine, but change is unavoidable.  Things become obsolete.  People come into our lives, while others leave - not necessarily through death, but sometimes.  The latest and greatest invention comes into our lives.  Unpredictable weather causes changes in plans.

Change can be scary.  A lot of people try to avoid it as to remain in the comfort of what they know, what they understand, what they want.  Sometimes change is necessary such as leading a healthier lifestyle for health purposes.  I've been there.

Change can be difficult.  Adapting to a life without Preston is oh so challenging.  I often find myself staring at babies at the store, wondering if that's how my son would be acting now.  Hopefully I don't look like a crazed maniac that's enthralled with another person's child.  I just get mesmerized, into the what should have been, instead of what is.  I didn't choose this path.  I didn't have a choice to deal with this tremendous wave that crashed into my life.

With a new year comes the ever popular resolutions we try to adopt every year.  The changes we try to make, which I think are a good thing.  Remember, control what you can in life.  That makes it easier to cope and deal with the unpredictable changes that occur throughout your life.  Last year, I wanted to try a new recipe every week.  As with most people, I succeeded for a short period of time, and then it went out the window.  It was rather ambitious, but I was on maternity leave when I made the resolution and had more time on my hands, even with a newborn.

One tough year later, my resolutions will be a little less bold for 2015.

  1. Use my crock-pot/slow cooker once a month
  2. Continue losing weight and maintain it once I reach a decent goal
  3. Exercise more - start slow - use the exercise bike every day after work
  4. Continue with my blog and try to make #SpreadHappinessForPreston even more successful on 11/19/15
  5. Take one class of some kind - cooking, artsy, accounting, photography
  6. Keep a better house
  7. Plant seeds in Preston's garden earlier (right after Mother's Day)
  8. Take more pictures
  9. Reach out to one person every month who seems to be struggling - someone I know or a stranger
  10. Honor my son, by smiling more
Ten resolutions probably sounds like a lot but I think it gives me flexibility.  If I happen to fail with one, I'll have the satisfaction of having followed several.

I vow to ride these waves of change, by welcoming some into my life.  After all, without change, we'd have no beautiful, colorful butterflies.

What are your resolutions for 2015?

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