Thursday, January 8, 2015

Into the closet we go...

I've got the case of the writer's block.  I have many idea posts, but they are all posts that I need to really sit down and think about so that I say everything I want to say.  Posts for a day off.  For a weekend.

And so, I'm going to off in a different direction.  Let me ask you this question: what is your favorite article of clothing, and why?  For me it's really simple - my wedding dress.

Every girl's dream is to have a wedding dress.  Go out, shop and try on beautiful dresses.  Perhaps dresses you could never afford.  I went to a bridal shop in Montreal, and bought the 3rd dress I tried on.  I didn't need to try on more - it was perfect.  Strapless.  Subtle yet delicate beading, including little blue gleaming stones.  My something blue.  Simple.  And it fit just perfectly.

How did it make me feel to wear this dress?  Special.  Pretty.  Happy.  Relaxed.  You've heard of Bridezilla right?  Our photographer kept commenting on how I was the complete opposite of it.  I was the most calm bride he'd ever met.  Not freaking out about every detail of the wedding and reception.  Not worried about time.  Not worried about my hair, or make up or dress.  And really, I wasn't.  It was one of the happiest days of my life.  Maybe it helped that Brett and I were already married?  I suppose it's possible, though I don't believe that.  When you know, you know.  I knew with Brett before we even met face to face.  Crazy right?  We got married at the County Recorder's office in March 19, 2007 and then had a church wedding in September of he same year.  Getting married in April allowed for us to work on immigration right away.  Considering I didn't get to move to the United States until February 2008, I'd say that was a fabulous decision.  Plus, we were and are still in love, so it only made sense.  You be the judge on how relaxed I was... 

Any other favorite articles of clothing?  Perhaps the pyjamas that Preston always spit up on.  Just because it makes me smile to think about him.  My grey and black striped maternity shirt - makes me think of being pregnant with Preston, but also reminds me of that chance encounter outside my OB's office building where a woman was wearing that same shirt when I was desperately asking God for signs that Preston was ok.  My yoga pants because they are so comfortable.  Those all make me happy.  Sometimes the maternity shirt will make me sad, much like my pyjamas, but I'm blessed to have these memories.  Something to hold on to.  Something that let's me think about my son, a little bit more.

I often thought of what life lessons I could teach Preston.  How I would help heal his wounded heart after his first heartbreak was one of them.  I thought about what it would be like when he got married one day, far into the future.  I'll never know, but it doesn't stop me from thinking.  He would have been all smiles, that's for sure.


  1. Hi beautiful mama,
    I'm one of your readers from South Africa who promised to do something to spread happiness on Preston's birthday. I just wanted to let you know that I have cut off my long hair and will be donating the pony to South Africa's cancer association so they can make a wig for a cancer patient. Just something small from my part to SHFP :) You looked beautiful on your wedding day by the way!

    1. Thanks for sharing what you did on #SpreadHappinessForPreston day. That is absolutely beautiful. I was so moved when I read this. You are a truly wonderful person. <3

  2. You look stunning in these pictures! I was like you - the 4th dress I tried on was the dress I bought that day. Nothing too fancy, but just right. I also have maternity clothes that make me think of the boys (and I refuse to wear them this go round with baby girl). They are so special to me. It is so awful to have to imagine Preston's wedding day becuase you'll never get to see that day come... but I talked to our Pastor about this once, and my husband - so I hope this gives you some strength...

    We talked about how our boys went far too soon. But they never knew anything but love, and then happiness in heaven. They never knew heartbreak, torment, sadness, anger. Preston's life was short but he has only experienced the good things in life, and he had/has you as his mama, which made what time he had here on earth even better :)

    1. Thanks for sharing what you and your pastor talked about. It's really helpful and healing to my heart.
