I received this beautiful hand made card and dish when I returned from our trip in October. It brought tears to my eyes, with how kind this gesture was. "Spread Happiness" which has been Preston's mission. When he was born, he brought so much happiness to this family. And now that he is in Heaven, he is spreading happiness everywhere his story goes. I'm so thankful that his spirit lives on within everyone that allows him in.
The card warmed my heart, as did the little rainbow dish. Rainbows truly can be anywhere. As Winter nears, the rainbows we see in the sky, will probably not make an appearance until Spring. I consider myself lucky though, because I have this rainbow dish to remind me that Preston is all around me. I also have a rainbow catcher, which I have yet to figure out where to hang up. I have rainbow pasta in the pantry. I have many pictures to look at, and memories to hold on to.
Once the leaves have fallen off the trees, the colors of nature appear to become muted. The bright green grass of Summer, is now a pale brownish yellow color. The leaves that remain in the trees are now brown. The bushes are bare, the daylight is not as strong, and it's lifespan is short. Flowers are now dormant. Winter will bring blankets of pure white. And while I've often found myself complaining about snow, I now welcome the purity that it represents. I may not look forward to brushing snow off my car, and scraping ice off the windows, and even less driving on icy streets, but I look forward to the serenity that it will bring. It will sure brighten things up, up until it melts again.
For the days without rainbows, there will always be smiles. I will forever be comforted by stories of kindness from one person to another. How touched I was today when I received an email from a neighbor for a request for #SpreadHappinessForPreston cards. His birthday might have already passed, but people are still wanting to spread some happiness, much like Kimm did with this card she sent me a month ahead of Preston's birthday.
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