Saturday, November 29, 2014

Allergy triggered memory

This creature causes my nose to run, my eyes to water and itch and make me sneeze.  It isn't always the case, but there are some days where it gets pretty hard to tolerate.  Last night was one of those nights.  I took a Benadryl and hey, I did sleep great!  My allergies were still present this morning though, so I took a Claritin instead, as it doesn't make me drowsy.  

As I was dealing with the symptoms that accompanies my allergies to cats, I was transported back to my pregnancy with Preston.  It was amazing.  While I was pregnant, I had no allergies.  No symptoms.  No nothing.  Crohn's was in total remission too.  I felt like Preston had magical powers, because I'd never read that pregnancy could cute allergies, even if only during pregnancy.  Now, when I have severe symptoms due to allergic reactions, I long to have Preston in my womb again.  Who wouldn't want such a little miracle? :)

I find it amazing how many random things can trigger memories of Preston, considering how short a time he was with us.  There are definitely some things I would prefer to avoid thinking about, but there's a lot of good.  Consider Calex herself.  The cats didn't seem to care for Preston much.  We paid a lot less attention to them, and Preston would make noises and his movements were rapid, sharp and unpredictable.  They stayed away from him for the most part.  However, they were starting to warm up to him.  I was taking a video of Preston once, and Calex decided to rub her body against his bouncer.  To a cat that can mean "that's mine" or "I love you".  I rather like to think they were starting to warm up to him, and get used to the changes in our lives.

I'll never really know whether they would have ended up warming up to him.  I was often scared that they might scratch him, or jump on him, but they never did.  I think that counts for something.  I look forward to the next random thought about Preston, the next memory that I didn't will into my mind, but rather the next one that takes me by surprise.

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