Monday, October 12, 2015

Capture Your Grief 2015 - Glow in the Woods

When I first started along this journey of grief, I had many glows in the woods.  Our family and friends lifted us up during the hardest times.  They held our hand when we needed it, they hugged us, they let us cry, they listened if we needed to talk.  They helped us plan one of the hardest days of our lives, Preston's memorial.

As I tried to grasp this new reality, the MSIL community boards on BabyCenter was a great resource.  There was always someone up, whatever time of day, to talk to.  I made some lasting friendships here.  This is where I found the blogs that helped me along the way.  For links to some of the blogs that have helped, please visit this past post:  Capture Your Grief 2015 - Books.  I've also recently found The Journey to Life, Jane's blog about the loss of her son who was stillborn.

From the get-go, there's also been the Angel Eyes Organization in Denver, more specifically, their support group and the other parents who I've been able to connect with on a personal level.  Reading blogs has been wonderful for me, and I've taken away from each and everyone of them that I've read.  However, I've taken even more away from the in-person discussions I've had with parents who lost an infant.  I've formed bonds with these families and I know that if I ever need to talk to someone, they will be there, and they'll probably have had similar thoughts, or the same thoughts.  I've learned so much.  And while our grief journeys are oh -so different, we can easily relate to each other.  At least at some point in time.

Finally, my sweet little Preston has been a glow in the woods for me.  Thinking of his smiles.  Looking at his pictures.  Remembering some of the time we spent together.  Knowing what he'd want me to do with my grief, and how he'd want me to feel.  All this helped me immensely.  Without all the wisdom that he's brought me, I'd be nowhere close to where I am today.  I'm better for having known him.  And I will cherish that thought every single day of my life.

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