To my blog readers-
I apologize for not having written a lot so far this month. I'm not in a terrible place, but I've been sick. Nothing serious, just a head cold. Last week, I just felt miserable. A lot of sneezing and coughing and just feeling blah. The cold has stayed with me, thanks to my good ol' compromised immune system, but I am feeling better. No blah, less sore throat, though you couldn't tell by hearing me speak - sometimes it feels like my voice just stops, other times it squeaks... it makes me laugh at least. Hopefully though, I just continue to feel better, slowly but surely.
So my head cold has kept me distracted, and tired, but I've also had another case of writer's block. It's interesting considering I have a list of like 30 topics I want to write about. I guess it also takes the right mood sometimes, right? I just have been feeling uninspired to write, and hopefully that's ok. Don't want to let Preston down, but I guess mama needed a little break.
I don't know what the next couple days will bring. While Preston passed away on 3/13/14, and the one year mark of that is this Friday, he passed away on a Thursday.. which would make the "one year mark" tomorrow too. The anticipation of everything has been really difficult to deal with. And although I've learned throughout this last year, that often, anticipation is worse than actually reaching any kind of "anniversary", I still don't know what to expect every time one of them is around the corner. I guess the nice thing about this cold has been that it's been a distraction for the first part of the month. It's already the 11th and albeit the first several days of March, I haven't felt overly emotional.
I know a lot of this is due to all the prayers coming my way. I thank you for those. I really truly do. I wouldn't be where I am today without them.
To leave you on a more positive note, I was browsing Twitter earlier and saw something of interest. I don't tweet a lot. I joined to follow a few friends years ago, and then started following all the GH stars I like, and now I follow like 175 people/causes.. I'm not on there too much, but sometimes there are fun things to read. One of the trending subjects today is #GoodAdviceIn4Words. I like that, it seems possible and I read some pretty good ones, I thought I'd share:
- Do it for you
- You are not alone
- Never give up. Ever.
- Sit down and write (that's for me! Who needs motivation, just write!!)
- There's no secret ingredient
- Be kind to yourself
- Never ever trust A (Pretty Little Liars reference)
- Always keep moving forward
- You have a purpose
Mine to you: Spread Happiness For Preston
Basically, do kind things whenever possible. It makes him smile. It makes me smile.
Much love to everyone <3
Basically, do kind things whenever possible. It makes him smile. It makes me smile.
Much love to everyone <3
Hope that your cold will go away soon. We are thinking and praying for the whole Haugen Family