In session 3 of the Pursuit of Purpose workshop, Rachel made us look at a fact of life: We have a need to be right. This may not be something I discussed in my own post for workshop 3, but it was in the back of my mind as I typed up my blog entry and wrote my "foundation". I will quote a passage from her blog entry, because I really think it's powerful:
We have an event. We create a story. Then we subconsciously seek out experiences that will validate our story because our need to be right trumps everything else we say we want. And so it goes around and around.As Rachel mentions, thankfully, in life, we have choices to make. We can make our stories positive instead of negative. We can find the little good in our events of brokenness and help it redefine our stories. Easy to do? Probably not. Will it happen overnight? Again, it's doubtful. BUT... If you start by changing your story today, you will be headed in the right direction.
And so, here I go creating stories that better serve me, my way of life, and who I want to be.
Depression: There is a lot of good in my life to keep me motivated.
Miscarriage(s): My journeys have shaped me into who I am, and it has better prepared me for future hardships. It will continue to guide me.
Health Issues: The right attitude is half the battle. Keep at it!
Losing Preston: I am deserving of God's love and understanding. I deserve to mother a living child. I will survive and find a way to help others find their way to heal.
And now, while my original stories weren't completely negative, I do feel ready to let go of the negativity that remained attached to them. I need to let go of it.
Let em burn...
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