Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Scattered thoughts

Dear readers,

I apologize for the recent decline in posts.  My thoughts have been scattered.  Thinking about too much all at once, and have not been able to formulate posts like I want to.  I've been dealing with another cold, which has me bummed out since the last one took me three weeks to beat.  I've been working on a couple other projects which have been consuming my time - fantasy baseball, learning how to embroider so that I can make a scare for Preston on the new quilt for the Angel Eyes organization (the organization which facilitates my monthly group meetings) and I've been trying to read a book for the Pursuit of Purpose workshop.

Lots going on in my little head.  I hope to sit down this weekend and start sorting it all out.  Maybe jot down some bullet points regarding some of the things that cross my mind.

Thanks for sticking it out with me, and keeping me motivated to keep writing.  It's nice to see my blog views continue to rise, as I struggle with my ideas and the things I reflect on day in and day out.  Call it writer's block maybe?  Sometimes it feels like I may have covered everything there is to say about grief and losing a child.  Other times, it feels like I could write 1000 posts on the subject.

I'll get there.  In the meantime, I think of you guys often.  I thank you for thinking of me, of Preston and leave you with a quote someone shared with me recently:

"Broken crayons still color"

I may be struggling, but I'm still fighting.

1 comment:

  1. That is a great quote.. I think of you and Preston often. I have said it before but you are truly inspiring.

