Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Positively February 2016: Day 2

"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."  - Francis of Assisi

This one is so true.  While grieving, whether right at the beginning, or at any point during your journey where you feel the need to - just do what you have to do.  Eat, even if I know, you aren't hungry.  Sleep if you can.  I know it's tough.  I needed sleep aids for a while myself.

And what's necessary might be different from one person to another.  Some need to stay in bed for a while.  I on the other hand needed to dive into something productive like work.  So I worked a lot of hours and it kept me going.

Once you are in a better place, start doing a little more.  That might be cleaning the house, or doing the groceries.  It might be cooking or going on a vacation.  Take it slow.  If you need to go back to just the bear minimum, that's okay too.  There's nothing wrong with that at all.

And one day, you will realize that you are doing the impossible.  You survive.  I've often heard the counterproductive comment "I couldn't go on after a loss like that" in relation to losing my son.  You know what, I thought that exact same thing until I was in the situation where I didn't have a choice in the matter.  We do the impossible every day, and survive.  Life doesn't stop, even when time seems to.

Take it a step at a time, and one day, you will realize that you are Superwoman/Superman.

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