Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Rocky Bear

Pictured above with Sami is Rocky Bear.  I named him that way because we got him from Rocky Mountain Children's Hospital when Sami had to be admitted for jaundice.  Rocky Bear was in her billi bed with her the whole time.  

I felt a weird connection with this bear.  Perhaps it was because he watched over her at all times.  Perhaps it was because Preston's nursery theme was bears and it made me feel like he was watching over her.  Perhaps, in some bizarre way, I felt like part of his soul was in this bear.

Sami, now almost 6 weeks old, enjoys kicking around in her bassinet.  She enjoys moving around, and baby talking and almost shrieking with happiness.  She talks a lot to Rocky Bear and he has a great listening ear.

I continue to feel like Preston is somehow connected to this bear.  I miss my son so much, even though I am over the moon filled with happiness with my little girl.  Perhaps it is wishful thinking to hope that he's around.  But isn't it possible?  Is it so bad to want to believe?

1 comment:

  1. I know that feeling :) Jordan has two "brother bears" and two other stuffed animals from Conner and Ben. Preston is everywhere - including that bear! I think it will be interesting to see how Samantha connects with him. They say kids are more intuitive that adults :)
