Weight & Length: As of 1/18/15, Samantha weighed 6 lbs 15.8 oz. So just shy of 7 lbs! She's in the 2.1 percentile, but she's gaining weight consistently at the approximate rate of 1 oz a day, which is what we want. As for length, she's in the 25th percentile coming in at 21 & 1/4 inches. That's an increase of 1.5 inches!
Features: Her darker strands of hair have lightened. Her eyes still appear to be grey, however every once in a while they seem to have a tint of blue in them. She is still a little jaundiced, but not in a worrisome way. Breastfed babies can keep a yellowish tint for up to 10 weeks of age. She looks a lot better though. We have her sit in her swing by the window every day to help.
Feedings: She still eats well but developed some sensitivity issues which cause fussiness. Her pediatrician believes it's a sensitivity to the protein in cow's milk which she gets through breastmilk. Therefore, I stopped consuming dairy about two weeks ago. Her fussiness has decreased, and her diapers are more normal. Hopefully this sensitivity clears up which from what I've read and heard. Her time between feedings still varies. She has gone 4 and a half hours several times at night. During the day, due to her first major spit up yesterday after falling asleep while eating, we've decided that we will let her go longer than 3 hours during the day if she so wishes. We will try to limit her to 4 hours though, so that she sleeps longer at night.
Sleep: She has been sleeping a little less as she enjoys kicking and cooing on her back after feedings. As mentioned above, she has gone 4.5 hours between feedings several times. This usually equates to 3-3.5 hour sleep sessions, which is great for her and for me. I've had a few 3 hours of sleep without interruption. It's fabulous. I do have nights where I sleep less, depending on how she feeds and burps and of course how sleepy she actually is.
Likes: She loves to be held. Sometimes, she won't sleep unless she's in my arms. It's a nice feeling to be so needed, but when you are sleep deprived, it can be really tough. I've written half this post with her in my arms as she wakes up every time I put her down. I'm getting rather talented at completing things with one hand! On Sunday, on her 1 month "birthday", she had her first real bath. She LOVED it. It was so fun. She likes her soothy/binky. Helps her fall asleep. She loves looking at the ceiling fan and light fixtures.
Dislikes: She has started to show a dislike for being wet, though it's not quite as intense as it was with her brother. She doesn't like having an upset tummy, who would? It breaks my heart when she has one, especially since it's likely caused by something I ate :(. She doesn't like the hiccups, which she gets a lot. She does not like to be swaddled. We can get away with it if we leave her hands free. If her hands are pinned down, beware!
Mama's fears: I've become more accustomed to her "normal" sounds, though some of them are still scary sounding. That being said, I'm able to sleep more easily, though I usually stay up 15-30 minutes after putting her down in her bassinet at night. My latest fear is that I've slept through some of her fussiness which scares me that I might not wake So, Sami, no choking allowed.
Mama's proud moments: We just started tummy time on her activity mat, which she doesn't seem to mind. She does better doing tummy time on mama's chest. She can lift her head and keep it up for 20-25 seconds. Really strong girl! I feel like she's getting really close to her first smile and squeals. I can't wait!! She's starting to look around and take in her surroundings.
Just because: Aside from Rocky Bear, whom she talks to a lot, she also likes Owly, a stuffed owl that was Preston's. Owly has huge eyes, and bells that jingle when she (involuntarily) swats at him. She loves the taste of her vitamin D. It smells sweet, so looks like she hasn't lost her sweet tooth.
Wait, I'm how old? No way!! That happened too fast.
Hi Dada!! Thanks for helping mama take cute pictures of me.
Having a good time!
Censored! LOL
Are we done yet?
The frowny face, otherwise known as the furrowed brow. A look she gets from her Mama... and I didn't even have to teach her!
Playtime in the bassinet. I love squirming!!!
Full belly!
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