Saturday, June 18, 2016

Sami's Corner - 5 months

I attempted to catch up before Sami turned 6 months, but that didn't happen.  I'm typing as she sits looking at me from her crib (with a bobby behind her for support) - 6 months 1 day.

Back to her being 5 months..

Weight & Length:  These are purely guestimates since we haven't been to the pediatrician and aren't due for about a month.  My guess is she's grown a couple inches - maybe 26.  And she's at about 13 pounds.

Features:  Her hair is getting longer on the top of her head.  Very wispy like.  Some days it looks blond, sometimes you can detect a hint of red while other days it looks like a really light brown.  Hair color remains to be determined...  Eyes - totally her dad's eyes.

Feedings:  She just tried rice cereal for the first time.  She seems to like it!

Sleep:  Her sleep pattern changed at this time.  She was waking up a lot at night.  She would fall back asleep after being rocked, but was a little more difficult in this regard.

Likes:  When you hold her, she loves to be sitting.  She wants to soak in everything she sees.  She likes music.  But really, nothing has changed... she pretty much likes everything and smiles all the time.

Dislikes: Perhaps there's an exception.  She's starting to get upset when we put her down.  Be it to change her, or even on her activity mat that she loves.  Usually, after you show her a toy, she's ok.  I'll take it as a compliment - wants to be with mama :)

Mama's fears: At this point, she's starting to be a little long for the bassinett.  She can also roll, which I don't think is a good thing in a bassinet.  So we're looking into transitioning her into her crib.  Ready or not (not ready at all...).

Mama's proud moments:  She rolled over the Friday before Mother's Day.  From back to front, which I've read is the opposite of what they usually do (because it's tougher?)... that's my girl! Learning the harder stuff first.

Just because:  It's fun to see her starting to do "art" at daycare like some of the older infants in her class.  While she may be growing slowly, she's growing, she's happy and she's learning so much already at a young age.  It's so incredible to see.


Trying to get used to sleeping in the crib - daytime nap

One of my favorites!!

Not only can she rolls, but she can twist.  She had her feet to the piano keys at some point..

So sweet :)

Still loves Rocky Bear :)

Happy girl about to eat!

Loving life, her chair, her spoon...

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