Sunday, October 16, 2016

Sami's Corner - 9 months

It feels odd writing this today, when Sami is turning 10 months tomorrow... but such is life.  I've been enjoying it and all I can do is attempt to stay current.  My goal with this has been to use this blog segment to document her milestones... for me (for memories) and for her, in the event she's ever curious!  And of course, for friends and family who don't get to see her very often.

9 months (and 10 months) were big ones.  Developmentally, I just can't believe all the things that have happened in such a short period of time.

Weight: At her 9 month check-up (which was a little late - 9/30), she was 16 pounds 4 oz and in the 16 percentile for weight.  She's come a long way from being in the 2.1 percentile!  She's growing for sure!

Features:  Just a couple days before turning 9 months, Samantha broke her first tooth.  She wasn't fussy through the whole ordeal which was great.  Hopefully the same goes for her next teeth - I think they say that how they act for the first few is how they'll act for the rest. Fingers crossed!

Feedings:  Nothing new to report... girl loves to eat!  Slowly trying new things... I think her favorites are still Avocado, Carrots and Mum Mums.

Sleep:  She sleeps well for the most part.  Her naps on the weekend are getting easier.  She used to only nap in our arms, and now she'll nap in her crib (which allows me to do things like write this blog!)

Likes:  What does she not like?  She's a happy girl.  Loves food.  She loves her pink teddy bear, her owl, her blocks, she likes to play with a ball (she actually has a great arm for a 9 month old).

Dislikes:  She doesn't like to be left alone.  If you put her in her jumper activity center, you best stick around, at least for a while!  That is, if she let's you put her in there.  She will often fight you by hiking up her legs so that you can't place her in it!!!

Mama's fears:  Same old, same old... I often get up in the middle of the night to check on her if I can't tell which way her head is facing.  My heart still stops when I find her almost face down.  To this day, I continue to put my hand on her back, or belly to feel it move when she's asleep.

Mama's proud moments: She can pull herself back into a sitting position from being on her back or belly.  One of her new favorite things to do is to sit, go to her belly, roll a few times, and get back up.  If she wants to get somewhere, she will get there!

Just because:  She still only says two words - or rather syllables... not sure she knows what they mean.  Her favorite is da-da... or rather da-da-da-da-da.  She makes this sound when happy.  When really upset, her sound is ma-ma-ma-ma.  I guess a baby does want it's mama when upset.  But I don't know that she's associated making those 2 sounds with either of us.

This has to be one of my favorite pictures to this day.

 rolling to get to the ball

sit, drop, roll, sit back up - rinse & repeat

best example of my squirmy baby - the 9 month photo shoot was very difficult to do! 

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