Sunday, October 16, 2016

Sami's Corner - 8 months

Wow, playing catch up is harder than I thought it would be!  Part of the reason I wanted to do Sami's Corner was to be able to remember her milestones and have them documented.  However, I've preferred spending the time with her, instead of in front of my computer and thus, I'm just about 3 months behind on updating these!

Weight & Length: I want to say that she was around 15 and a half pounds.  Height... she's growing, but I've stopped trying to check her length as it's always seemed to be average :)

Features:  Blue and grey eyes.  Her hair is definitely blond.  It's very thin and whispy... we often give her a little mohawk.

Feedings: This girl loves food.  In addition to eating fruit and vegetable purees, she enjoys eating Mum Mums (rice cracker) and cereal puffs (sweet potato & carrot flavor).  Her pincer skills are improving every day.

Sleep: As we started moving to having more formula into her diet, she started waking up more in the middle of the night.  I'm thinking she started having a lot of gas because of the change in diet and it would wake her up and she'd have trouble settling back down.  We decided to try Gripe Water and it helped a great deal.  For the most part, she's slept through the night.

Likes:  I still think that food is her favorite thing in the world.  I think if we were to keep offering her food, she would keep eating until it made her sick.  She likes music.  She likes playing with her blocks.

Dislikes:  Still not fond of changing clothes.

Mama's fears:  She started rolling to her side at 7 months at night and it freaked me out... well this month she started rolling onto her belly in the middle of the night and on the monitor it's hard to tell where her head is facing... It sometimes looks like she's completely face down and that just makes my heart stop!  It's only happened a few times that I've found her completely face down (and thankfully she was ok), but most times, you can see her little nose and that just reassures me... even though I still place my hard on her back to make sure she's breathing.

Mama's proud moments:  I just love that she can sit on her own and play.  It's so cool to see the wheels turning as she starts to figure out how to get back up when she's fallen over.

Just because:  We went to the mountains with our friends, and went to this cute little beach.  Brett tried putting her feet in the water but she didn't like it.  However, she did have fun sitting on the beach towel in the shade looking at everything that was going on, playing with a ball.


Baby selfie!

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