Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sami's Corner - 7 months

I was hoping to be able to find the time to write these closer to her actual "month"-versaries, but alas time seems to be lacking these last couple weeks.  There's always something to do on the weekends, and the evenings are filled with baby time and chores.

Weight & Length: When Sami turned 7 months, I think she was around 15 pounds.  As for her height, it's hard to judge, so I'll probably only update this when she has an actual measurement - next time would be at 9 months.

Features:  Her hair is getting longer.  I think it's safe to say it's a darkish blond color, just like her dad's.  Her eyes again, just like her dad's - they fluctuate between grey and blue.  I think she has my lips.

Feedings:  She just started eating 3 servings of baby food a day.  She has 5-6 feedings of milk a day. Food wise she has eaten, peas, sweet potatoes, avocado, apples, pears and carrots.  She wasn't super fond of peas or sweet potatoes when she first tried them, but when I gave them to her again, she loved them.  She loved them.  Her favorites I would say are avocado and carrots.  More things to try.  Exciting stuff :)

Sleep:   She sleeps through the night for the most part.  She sometimes wakes up due to a wet diaper, but usually we can get her to go back to sleep within 20-30 minutes.  She naps great at daycare, but not so much at home on the weekends.  She will nap well if we hold her, but as soon as we place her in her crib, she's wide awake.  I find it odd since she sleeps in a crib at daycare.  We'll keep at it!

Likes:  She loves food.  She likes to play in her bouncy play center.  She can now sit on her own, though she does still topple over at times.  She likes to play with her rings toy and her box with blocks.  She likes to roll around to get from one place to another.  She loves to do art.  They do quite a bit at daycare - finger painting, touching different textures.  She gets to focused while doing it - which is just like I am when I'm into something.

Dislikes:  She's grown to dislike getting dressed like when she was a newborn.  She's still not fond of being put down to change her diaper, even if she hates having a dirty diaper.  The wet diapers don't seem to bother her too much.  She doesn't like not having something to do.  Also not her favorite, cleaning her face after eating.

Mama's fears: Well, she just started rolling over in her sleep.  Let me tell you that I freaked out the first night I woke up to see her tummy down in the middle of the night.  I was relieved to see that her head was to the side, but still, it was a frightening thing to wake up to.  I picked her up and rocked her back to sleep to place her on her back.

I read up on this on the SIDS/Safe-To-Sleep website, and I was reassured.  It is okay for babies to turn to their sides and tummies, as long as we always put them down to sleep on their backs.

"No. Rolling over is an important and natural part of your baby's growth. Most babies start rolling over on their own around 4 to 6 months of age. If your baby rolls over on his or her own during sleep, you do not need to turn the baby over onto his or her back. The important thing is that your baby starts every sleep time on his or her back to reduce the risk of SIDS, and that there is no soft, loose bedding in the baby's sleep area. "

Mama's proud moments: She can now sit on her own.  No more need for a boppy to hold her up!  She tends to fall over on occasion, but if let alone, she can remain sitting without tumbling over for over 30 minutes.

She's quite the artist.  I should take pictures of her art to post...  Picasso would be jealous!

She doesn't seem to be a picky eater, which is great news because I know I was... or maybe that only developed when I got older, lol.

I'm proud that she continues to be super smiley and happy.  I feel like Preston lives on through her smiles, even if they are quite her own, and if possible, her happiness is on another level from Preston's.

Just because:  She's still loving peek-a-boo.  She will sit on my lap and fall into my chest, and then raise her head, and laugh if I say "peek-a-boo".  She hides herself, I don't even need to do it, lol.

She's ticklish on the sides of her tummy.  She can go in laughing fits just because you smile at her.  She's pretty social and will smile at almost anyone, though I can feel the onsets of "stranger-danger" coming on.  Occasionally she'll just bury her faee in my shoulder and act "shy".


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